Project Myriam – Life and Explorations ☆ Version v5.03 ☆ Zorlun
You guide Myriam, as her life changes in a new city and she finds herself pushed out of a sheltered life, will she embrace her newfound independence or will she slip back into the comfort of a subservient life; will she venture forth and explore her repress desires and the opportunities that open up to her or will she let herself be submerged by life; will she follow the advice of good people or be manipulated by evil ones; and of all those weird events that she will fall upon… You decide.

Download Project Myriam – Life and Explorations ☆ v5.03
How to play Project Myriam – Life and Explorations ☆ v5.03
📥 Download compressed file.
📦 Extract to folder.
🎮 Play game via executable file.